About Me

Kirrah Stewart smiling in red jumper with navy background

Kirrah Stewart (B.ClinSci)
Bachelor of Clinical Science (Nutrition & Herbal Medicine)

Vitality Pills Creator

For 11 years I've been helping people experience the amazing benefits of the Vitality Pills (AKA best supplement ever). 

Do you know my story?

I had been a strict vegetarian for around 15 years when my health started to decline. Despite trying countless iron supplements, nothing helped me feel better. People began telling me "you should eat meat" but I didn't want to hear it.

However, I knew I needed to do something to become healthier.


Then I found out about the benefits of chicken liver

I researched the most nutrient dense foods available and came across organic chicken liver. It’s a superfood with an abundance of iron, vitamin B12, folate, zinc and many other nutrients including an ‘anti-fatigue factor’.

But I didn't want to cook up and eat liver so I did training and learnt how to safely encapsulate it and turn it into an easy-to-take supplement. My body obviously needed an animal source of iron because I was able to raise my ferritin from 7 to 70 with the chicken liver capsules!

It was life-changing. I still don’t eat red meat and haven’t for over 25 years. Many of my customers are vegetarian, vegan or intolerant of red meat but find these liver capsules provide an easy way to get the benefits of heme iron.


Vitality Pills come in a jar and you simply swallow them with water or juice. I have countless people tell me how life-changing they are.


Are you wanting more energy and better iron levels too?

Buy Vitality